about me

Hi, I’m Alex, a game writer and narrative designer with an ongoing side quest in level design. I’m passionate about immersive, character-driven narratives and impactful environmental storytelling.

I have a background in games journalism and copywriting, an MA in Applied Linguistics and a Game Writing Masterclass certification from The Narrative Department. I’ve also completed 100 hours of Unreal Engine 5 training and gained a certification in Interactive Real-Time 3D development with Infinity 27.

As a game writer, I thrive on crafting engaging and thought-provoking dialogue based on characters’ emotions and situations. Encouraging players to experience a character’s internal conflict through dialogue and narrative choices is something I often underpin in my work. With that said, I also really enjoy crafting characters, quests and scenes with a comedic, dry or sardonic flair and tone.

I love collaborating with developers and working with teams to bring game and story concepts to life. I’ve written for upcoming titles with Owlskip Games and developed narrative and Unreal Engine 5 level design work with Infinity 27. Additionally, I contribute my writing and level design skills as part of Beyond Skyrim and the Arcane University. I also enjoy building my own small-scale levels in Unreal alongside developing quest mods for Skyrim and Fallout 4.

Creating realistic and rich world settings that inform characters’ personalities, actions and impact on the player’s journey is incredibly important to me. So too is delivering effective design through a story. I use paper prototyping alongside digital tools to map out narrative structures that offer meaningful choices and player agency. I also highly value playtesting feedback to ensure my work resonates with the audience throughout the writing and development process.

Writing for games is my way of creating experiences that matter to people.

let’s work together

Email me: alex@axmn.co.uk

Connect with me on LinkedIn

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